Learning Innovations

Learning Innovations
Learning Innovations


Learning Innovations

TMU introduced a number of initiatives to promote innovations in learning, including the cultivation of transferable skills and humanistic literacy, advancement of professional education, establishment of an inter-disciplinary entrepreneurial ecosystem, development of innovative teaching models, promotion of internationalization at home and enhancement of international competitiveness of our students.

Widening Participation

To ensure access to education amongst financially disadvantaged students, TMU increased the quota of “Non-Departmental Admissions (Soar Up) Enrollment” by 5 students in the academic year 2018. Priority was given to students from low-income and middle low-income families, and students from families in hardship. In the academic year 2019, the enrollment quota was increased to 12 students. To support this group of students in the selection process, TMU provides transportation subsidy for candidates and their accompanying parents so that they can have a fair chance to compete in the screening examinations.

Interdisciplinary Learning

To integrate TMU’s different fields’ learning resources and provide students with more systematic interdisciplinary training programs, the TMU i-College was established in 2018 and became our 11th college. TMU i-College is to connect professional and clinical education to cultivate competencies that well-rounded biomedical talents should possess, including: (1) The ability to actively explore and define problems; (2) The ability to practice innovation and entrepreneurship; (3) The ability to teamwork communicate, and collaborate; (4) Global adaptability; and (5) Lifelong self-directed learning ability.

Industrial Internship

In response to the rapid development and application of Industry 4.0, information technology, and artificial intelligence (AI), TMU encourages students to pursue diverse development according to their personal interests and begin cultivating interdisciplinary skills. Since 2015, TMU has been promoting the Internship Bridge Industrial Internship Programs. Students are encouraged to participate in internships during the summer or semester. In 2019, there was a total of 311 internship openings in government agencies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, biotechnology corporations, health care operations, bioinformatic and artificial intelligence providers, medical public relations agencies, and non-profit and start-up organizations.

International Mobility

TMU continues to expand the professional knowledge, cross-cultural awareness and international vision of our students, promotes the development of medical research at home and abroad, and is committed to improving community health, safety and welfare. To ensure the sustainability of our cooperation with overseas partners, TMU endeavors to develop multilateral academic alliances to facilitate talent exchanges, education collaboration and joint research. These cross-cultural activities and international mobility learning programs help eliminate the gaps between different cultural groups and promote enhanced mutual understanding and collective improvement.

Student Work Placement

TMU has been utilizing the resources of the Ministry of Education’s UCAN Career & Competency Assessment Network to help new students explore their career interests. Information from the Career Radar Station’s individualized career ability map is also used to provide elective courses and club participation recommendations. Since 2018, TMU has been integrating career exploration activities with academic career courses. In addition to a better understanding of oneself and setting future career directions, students can also further update themselves with the latest development in the workplace. Disadvantaged students are given an analysis report of their interest exploration test, and one-on-one personalized career counseling is offered as needed to facilitate their career preparation.

Lifelong Learning

To meet the needs of education policies and social development and fulfill the philosophy of lifelong learning, multiple channels for continuing learning are opened to the community, supporting the University’s mission to create public benefit with its state-of-the-art learning resources and subsequently enhancing national competitiveness. To achieve the goal of lifelong learning, the TMU MED MOOCs continuing education digital platform was established with flexible programs and diverse education courses that cater to wide-ranging learning needs, contributing to the development of a healthy living circle in the Xinyi District.
